Ring a bell when someone visits your website
I love the new realtime Google Analytics. I love the fact how you can see what people are doing on your website right now. However I can’t stare at the interface all day, so why not play a little sound every time someone visits your website?
Note that this idea was inspired by bellbot, a website with the same functionality. My solution requires no signup or client side code (besides Google Aanalytics) though.
This is a little bookmarklet that you can run on your realtime Google Analytics page that plays a bell everytime a new visitor enters your website. The video below shows how it works.
It is now even easier to ring a bell, here are the updated steps to Ring a bell!
Add Ring a bell! as bookmark to your browser.
Get Google Analytics and make sure you have access to the realtime data.
Navigate to the Realtime overview: Home – Realtime – Overview
Click on the Ring a bell! bookmarklet.
For those curious, here is the javascript function.
(function( d, c ){
var beep = new Audio( 'https://mikevanrossum.nl/stuff/doorbell.mp3' )
, check = function( old ) {
var visitors = parseInt( d.getElementById( 'ID-overviewCounterValue' ).innerHTML );
// c.log('visitors: ' + visitors);
// only try the second time and up
if( old || old === 0 ) {
//the difference between the old number and the new number
var dif = visitors -- old;
// if the new number is higher, we have new visitors
if( dif > 0 ) {
// play a sound & log for each visitor
while( dif-- ) {
c.log( 'Ding! New visitor!' );
setTimeout( function() { beep.play(); }, 500 * i );
setTimeout( function() { check( visitors ); }, 2000 );
}( document, console ));