Realtime Globe in webgl

I just open sourced the globe behind the Realtime Bitcoin Globe. When I published the globe almost a year ago it was based on this awesome project by the Google Data Arts team. That project is great for plotting data in a very specific way (a barchart plotted in 3d on a 3d earth. At that time it took me quite a bit of hacking to make it work for my needs.

I just got around to rewriting the globe from scratch (well, on top of three.js) and I figured why not open source it.

gif of the globe

The main idea is that you can use it as a base for showing something that is happening in realtime somewhere on earth. It currently only supports two different block types (a static one, and a “levitating” one that gets pulled out of the earth), but adding more should be fairly straight forward. I am open to pull requests.

I already made one for showing realtime bitcoin transactions, but you can use the globe as a base for:

  • Showing tweets with a specific hashtag in realtime.
  • Showing instagram posts with a specific tag in realtime (with a preview for example).
  • Showing visitors on your website in realtime.
  • Showing realtime airplanes in the sky.
  • Showing realtime foursquare checkins at fish restaurants.
  • Showing users of your app in realtime.
  • Whatever you can think of!

Hoganizer: Precompile mustache templates for the frontend

Normally when I start working on a new webapp I end up using Jade as a template language, to get the templates working on the frontend I use a wonderful tool called templatizer which pre compiles all jade templates into plain javascript functions. I love this workflow because it has some awesome advantages like:

  • Insanely fast rendering, because you are just running vanillaJS functions with strings in them.
  • You still get to write your templates in a very friendly format: a .jade file for each template.
  • The compiled templates are stored in .js files, which means you have a lot of control over the client side caching.
  • The whole template parsing engine doesn’t need to go over the wire, this way your total JS size goes down.

But this time I started a new project and we decided to go for mustache instead of jade. After some searching I came across Twitter’s fast implementation of the mustache spec: hogan.js. The library not only promises to be very fast, but also that it consists of different modules that would make it easy to pre compile templates on the server.

There already were some wrappers available, but none fit quite right into my workflow: it must be easy to hook into my buildscript & must have some way of supporting client side development.

Meet Hoganizer, a small wrapper around the Hogan compiler to make this easier.


How to use Geospatial Indexing in mongo using nodejs and mongoose

A couple of weeks ago I build a mobile app for school that shows you cultural stuff todo around you. It’s called randomapp (the assignment was to build an app using the Artsholland API. Therefor it only works in the Netherlands).

I’ve decided to build the backend in Mongo because of the recently added support for geospatial. I’ve got more experience in MySQL but the idea of having to write all the logic involved with querying location data myself alone was enough for me to choose for Mongo.

The backend for the app is a very simple API written in Node to query the Mongo collection location data. In this tutorial I’ll show you how some easy steps to get started asking Mongo questions about locations. I definitely recommend you check out the official documentation which covers everything I’m about to explain plus a lot more. Though this tutorial is more of an introduction to the subject.


How to control your HTML5 game using Arduino

Yesterday I made a mini HTML5 game based on the retro game Asteroids (here is a flashversion) without the asteroids, so I just made a ship with those controls. You can check it out on my personal site and the code is at my Github.

What about instead of using the keyboard for controls, using a potentiometer for the controls? Here is a video with me explaining it (the demo is at 8:30 into the video).

Here is the code to get it working:

The arduino code is straight from the node duino module. Read more about it in my article about duino.

Nodejs script

dependencies: node, duino,

var l = console.log;

var http = require('http');
var url  = require('url');

var io = require('').listen(1337);
io.set('log level', 1);

var arduino = require('duino');
var board = new arduino.Board({
  // debug: true
// defaults to a01
var pot = new arduino.Sensor({
  board: board,
var init = function() {
board.on( 'ready', function() {
  // still not ready somehow
  setTimeout( init, 100 );

HTML file

    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
    header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *");
    header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin");
<!doctype html>

          Insert coin(s)

    &lt;Push any button to start&gt;

<html lang=en>
        <meta charset=utf-8>
        <meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
        <title>ardiono game</title>
            body {
            #game {
              position: absolute;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              z-index: -1;
        <canvas id=game></canvas>
        <script src="//">
        <script src="game.js"></script>


front end javascript (game)

(function(d, c){
  var getHeight = function() {
    var D = document;
    return Math.max(
        Math.max(D.body.scrollHeight, D.documentElement.scrollHeight),
        Math.max(D.body.offsetHeight, D.documentElement.offsetHeight),
        Math.max(D.body.clientHeight, D.documentElement.clientHeight)
  var getWidth = function() {
    var D = document;
    return Math.max(
        Math.max(D.body.scrollWidth, D.documentElement.scrollWidth),
        Math.max(D.body.offsetWidth, D.documentElement.offsetWidth),
        Math.max(D.body.clientWidth, D.documentElement.clientWidth)
  // polyfill: set the window.requestAnimationFrame to the browsers specific version.
  (function() {
    var lastTime = 0
      , vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o']
      , x
      , length
      , currTime
      , timeToCall;

for(x = 0, length = vendors.length; x < length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
    window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];
    window.cancelAnimationFrame = 
      window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
    window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) {
        currTime = new Date().getTime();
        timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
        lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
        return window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, 
if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)
    window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {

  var angle = 0;
  // socket io hook
  var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:1337');
   socket.on('news', function (data) {
     // console.log(data.v);
     angle = data.v / 1024 * 8;

var canvas = document.getElementById("game");
  canvas.height = getHeight();
  canvas.width = getWidth();
  // draw function is in a closure
  var draw = (function() {
    var PI = Math.PI
      , twoPI = PI * 2
      , speed = 5
      , shipX = 100
      , shipY = 100
      , degrees
      , cap = function( n, cap ) {
        return n < 0 ? n + cap : n % cap;
    return function() {
      // clear the stage
      ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );;
      // calc new position
      shipX += Math.sin( angle ) * speed;
      shipY -= Math.cos( angle ) * speed;
      shipX = cap( shipX, canvas.width );
      shipY = cap( shipY, canvas.height );
      // draw the changes
      // position
      ctx.translate( shipX, shipY );
      // rotate
      ctx.rotate( angle );
      // draw
      ctx.fillStyle   = 'white';
      ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';
      // ship
      ctx.lineTo(0, -15);
      ctx.lineTo(10, 15);
      ctx.lineTo(0, 13);
      ctx.lineTo(-10, 15);
      // finish
  if( canvas.getContext ) {
    var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    // the loop
    (function animloop(){
        requestAnimationFrame( animloop );

Introduction to Node.js and what I find so great about it

My knowledge of the inner workings of node.js and threading is pretty basic. I can’t guarantee everything written here is accurate. If you spot an error, please let me know!

I’ve been playing around with Node.js for a while now and even though the community behind it is getting bigger, there are a lot of people disliking a lot of things about Node.js. In this post I will explain some of the different inner workings and what I like about them.

I hear you ask yourself: “Why Javascript?”. Even though a lot of people think Javascript is slow, it’s not so bad actually. Note that a lot of things that make it slow in the browser (like the really slow DOM api) are non existent on the server.

From the Node.js homepage:

Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

Node.js allows you to write your server side scripts in javascript. The V8 engine of Google (which is also a part of Chrome, and is one of the big reasons on why Chrome is so fast) will take your javascript scripts and compile them on the fly to machine code.

But the thing that is most different from Node to traditional server sided languages for doing web stuff is the way it works.
